Sunday, May 15, 2016


But organization often perish if they do nothing to further the interest of their members,and their factor must severely limit the number of organization that fail to serve their members”

     An organization can be defined as a body of people with a particular purpose, planning, arrangement and running of a business or institution.
The main purpose being, is to accomplish a certain goal or goals, while building a strong bond amongst one selves in order to maintain a certain criteria. Building a strong bond is essential, as it is noted that an organization is more powerful and able to achieve success when more people come together working towards similar interest. For examples, Unions as stated in the passage.

     Union are a group of worker that is formed to protect the rights of workers. Members of this group come together to achieve common goals such as protecting the integrity of its trade, improving safety standards, achieving higher pay and benefits such as health care and retirement, increasing the number of employees an employer assign to complete the work, and better working conditions.

   It is noted that members of unions collaborate and fight together for particular benefits. There are non stop negotiations until a satisfactory results are obtained.
However, some organization do tend to fall apart due to members being unorganized, some losing interest with the particular issue at hand, and some individuals seeking more power over others.

     I choose the first paragraph from the chapter 1 in Olsen, because these issues happens on a daily basis. Whether it be members of a club, unions or even a political party, there is always an individual or individuals that tend to disrupt the normal process of unity and peace by trying to get over on other due to their selfish reasons and greed.

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