Saturday, February 27, 2016

Constitution Of The United States

by Karimah Carribon

We the People of the United States of America, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

My interpretation  is that the constitution was written in order to make America greater in every way possible. The government (union) would be highly successful where issues would be resolved appropriately and in a timely manner. The well being and safety of Americans would be the number one priority and the union that is formed would come together in seeking the American people's best interest.

Americans would have freedom and independence to enjoy and pursue their interests and happiness. They would like the freedom to live a life that is fulfilling to their own happiness, and to live a life where one isn't being told what to do or how to live.

That the power of speaking one's mind without restriction or repercussion is ideal. Freedom from the restraints that were unequal and unfair for its citizens. There would be no warranty or discrimination based upon our color,place of birth, sex or religion. Everyone would in fact, have the same rights.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

What I Saw In America

America: - America in my interpretation refers to the United States of America.

America… a country of big dreams, opportunities, freedom, new beginnings and for some people, an adventure of a life time.

A country consisting of 52 states - each of different diversities and unique commodities.  Many, like myself have taken that blind suicidal leap of faith in the search of the American dream.

Growing up in the islands of Trinidad and Tobago, I recall being bombarded by television shows like “Full House”, “Family Matters,” and the “Fresh Prince of Bell Air” just to name a few, that would always spike my interest.  I was intrigued by these daily shows. America seemed pleasant and welcoming. There were images of white picket fences, pools, family togetherness and structured family lives. There was an array of happiness with children playing in the streets and playgrounds. Tranquility and peacefulness…it’s a dream that every little island girl had – just like the 1988 film, “Coming to America”.

America seemed inviting based on what has been portrayed on television over and over.  Why not take a chance?  Even the prince of Zamunda was willing to come to America and find his wife.

Zamunda… this was a FICTIONAL AFRICAN NATION (This should have been my wake-up call).

In reality, life in America and the television life are two different lives entirely. What I have learned in my own personal experience is that America wouldn’t just hand you the American dream in your hands. The American dream can only be accomplished by working hard and not giving up.

Unfortunately, there are so many flaws in this country which I love and call my own.
The truth is that the world itself has changed. People are now filled with hatred, greed and the need for power. Terrorists and their sinister notions of holy wars have begun to destroy of nations and society.

I choose this paragraph from WHAT I SAW IN AMERICA by G.K  CHESTERTON.
The officials I interviewed were very American, especially in being very polite, for whatever may have been the mood or meaning of Martin Chuzzlewit, I have always found Americans by far the politest people in the world.” (Chesterton, 2008)

My interpretation of this is mainly that that author is being very sarcastic, considering that treatment he received. He saw the real America before he officially entered the country. The interrogation and the depth of the questions and questioning made him felt like he was a threat to the country. He was humiliated by the process. In my opinion I understand what needs to be done in order to protect the people of this country.  It is indeed the officials jobs to ask questions to determine the state of mind of the individuals that enter the country. September 11th 2001, would never be forgotten as so many innocent lives had been taken. It occurred on American soil while the entire world looked on helplessly. Terrorism has manipulated the mind set of many, thus, the process of entering this country has become a challenge. Everyone has to be stripped and scrutinized as everyone is considered a potential threat.


Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Article Read: GALLUP
Americans Name Government as No.1 U.S Problem...
By Justin Mc McCarthy

How the Economy and Terrorism contribute to discord in America
Government is defined as a group or body of individuals, appointed by the people, to hold simultaneously principals and political executives of a nation. These appointed individuals are also responsible for the direction and supervision of a country/ nations affairs.
Other definitions
 The act or process of governing specifically authoritive direction or control”
 “The group of people who control and make decision for a country, state, etc…”
 “The process of manner of controlling a country/nation.” (Merriam-Webester, 2015)
In my opinion, I would like the Government of the United States of America, to stand up for its name. I believe that there is so much more than can be done for the people of America.
When I refer to the people of America, I am not just talking about American/ US Citizens but, everyone who works, or resides in this country. Whether someone is living in this country illegally or legally. Everyone wants to better their lives as well as their families.  America isn’t just made up of Americans but, millions of immigrants and ancestors from various background and cultures, which makes this place so unique – the “Melting Pot” of the world.
The US Government needs to respond appropriately and swiftly to issues concerning the Economy, Unemployment, Terrorism, Health Care, Immigration, Race Relations, Education and so much more. I strongly believe that within the past 8 years, much has been accomplished.  By continuing to work on and implement these laws the country would become a better place.  
In addition, there are two key points on which I would like to elaborate:
1.     Economy
2.     Terrorism
Many economic practices in the US are often unregulated and poorly supervised. Companies find loop holes which can affect fair trade and competition. The government plays a role in ensuring that all the correct measures are met and followed, however, there are still ethical and moral infractions which are not illegal and allow companies to follow the law but skirt ethical responsibility. These infractions are no fault of the government and can significantly affect and weigh heavily on some of the problems faced in our society today in the US. At most, stricter penalties for inside trading and ALL illegal activities that affect the lively hood of everyone can be imposed, however, outside of this, much of the issues still remain with the actions of individual companies.
Proper border control and screening of individuals who are a threat to this nation and other nations is a responsibility of the government, however, we cannot ignore the threat of terrorism both internally and externally. To curb this, the government can investigate and monitor the funding for these terrorists to find a source in an attempt to eliminate it. Often, many red flags have brought our attention to these heinous crimes and have unfortunately been swept away. It is only when some sort of attack arises that we get some sort of reactions.
With that being said, the Government shouldn’t be the problem but rather be then one to prevent and eradicate these issues that is affecting society.